About Us

The Longwood Plains Conservation Management Network (LPCMN) aims to promote sustainable land practices that protect and enhance biodiversity within the Longwood Plains area of the Goulburn-Broken Catchment. Formed in 2012, the LPCMN encompasses an area of 140,000 hectares in roughly a triangle between Seymour, Murchison and Violet Town. Economic activity predominately comprises of grazing, cropping, vineyards and equine enterprises.

Our key focus is strategic collaboration with local partners, which include First Nations people, rural and urban landholders, professional land managers, representatives of government and not-for-profit agencies and volunteers, to achieve our shared goals.

What we do

We assist landowners to identify high priority environmental projects on their property, such as remnant native vegetation protection, wildlife corridors, and weed and pest control.  Support includes site mapping, developing a management plan, record keeping and reporting. Click here to read about some recent environmental projects

Funding for our current projects is advertised through our website, newsletters and local media.  This includes both Federal and State Government funding and potentially other funding sources.

We assist with organising farm planning courses, tree planting days, field days and information events to promote sustainable farming practices, weed and feral animal control, as well as site visits to promote biodiversity. 

Our Goals

Protect, restore and improve the biological diversity of the ecological communities across the private and public ‘Longwood Plains’ landscape.

Provide a unifying network, for landholders, scientists, conservation planners and community stakeholders, that focuses on protecting and promoting biodiversity through sustainable, leading-edge research, education and management practices.

Current Committee

Mark Carroll (President)

Rhonda Robinson (Vice-President)

Jacqueline Palmer (Secretary)

Rob Heal (Treasurer)

Jemma Norman (Facilitator)

Suzie Bate

Charles Leone

Mark Carroll

Jenny Wilson

Robbie Hodges

Fiona Lewis

Jane Davey

Rhyl Long

Susan Sleigh (Project Officer)

Our Local Partners

Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority

Working in partnership since 2012 to deliver both State and Federal Government incentives to our landowners.

Landcare Victoria inc/DELWP

Providing one day per week funding for a Facilitator position over three years starting 2020/21 through a collaborative approach with Euroa Arboretum (lead organisation) and Strathbogie Ranges CMN to achieve our goals.

Euroa Arboretum

Providing our native plants and native seed for our revegetation projects.

Taungurang and Woka Walla

Assisting with revegetation activities particularly with hand planting and guarding local indigenous species.

Trust for Nature

Working together to identify properties for permanent protection and covenanting.

Parks Victoria

Working together to improve our state’s natural and cultural heritage.