This 7.5 hectare site involves creating a 30 metre corridor on private land that adjoins a 40 metre section of Angle Road that has large old trees with a native understorey so the total width of conservation corridor will be 70 metres.
The site on private land has existing native grasses, groundcovers and some understorey. Angle Road is one of the highest quality roadsides in the wider landscape, and increasing the quality and quantity of vegetation next to it, will provide increased habitat for the local Threatened fauna including Bush Stone-curlews, Grey-crowned Babblers, Squirrel Gliders and Phascogales and the Threatened woodland bird community.
300 local indigenous species will be hand planted and guarded to add diversity into the private land area making the roadside even more valuable than it is currently, as well as adding production and other values to the private land.
This project is funded through the 2021 Victorian Landcare Grants. The Victorian Government provides funding to support Landcare and environmental volunteering groups and networks for on-ground works, education, and capacity building projects that protect, enhance, and restore our land and natural environment.